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Kauai - my favorite Hawaii island


The oldest of the main Hawaiian Islands is Kauai, which is also known as the Garden Isle. The island is approximately six million years old and was created from volcanic eruptions. In the very center of the island is Mount Wai’ale’ale which stands at 5,148 feet above sea level. This mountain is the wettest place on Earth other than in the ocean. There was a distinct dialect of the Hawaiian language on this island in the past and all the k’s were pronounced as t’s.

The weather on the island is quite tropical and it is humid every day of the year. On occasion they have extreme weather, but it is not too common. As mentioned above, Mount Wai’ale’ale is a rainy destination, but the precipitation has decreased over the years. In the early part of the 20th century, the mountain received an average of 460 inches of rain every year. Recently that amount has dropped to an average of 374 inches of rain per year.

One of the animals seen the most on the island is wild chickens. There are thousands of them and they can be found just about everywhere.

In order to ensure that the cultures and traditions of the island are not forgotten, the Kauai Heritage Center of Hawaiian Culture and the Arts was opened in 1998. A few of the classes they offer include the lunar calendar, chanting, lei making, and hula. They also make numerous trips to cultural sites.

Interesting and Unique Facts about Kauai the island – Kauai Coffee

· Seventy percent of the land cannot be reached by foot

· No one can build a structure that is higher than the palm trees – it’s in the building codes

· The island is known for its beautiful waterfalls

· The world’s largest clamshell lens can be found at the historic Kilauea Lighthouse

· It is the only island that does not have any mongoose

· The languages on the island include English, Hawaiian, and Pidgin

Anyone who is planning on spending time in Hawaii will want to island hop over to this island. There are many unique places here and people will find themselves immersed with nature without any notice, which can be an exhilarating experience that they will never forget.

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